Welcome to our community, our family!
Enrolment video
Possums provides opportunities for children to participate in events and activities within the wider community. Providing students with these experiences directly links to the outcomes in the Early Years Learning Framework: ‘Children are connected with and contribute to their world’ and Aboriginal Pedagogy - 8 Ways of Learning.
Possums has a close affiliation with Condong Public School (who we now sharing the South Murwillumbah site with), and throughout the year they engage in a diverse range of activities at the school. Along with getting a “taste of big school” the students are involved in educational and cultural programs such as NAIDOC week celebrations, Life Education and the school athletics carnival. The children absolutely love attending these events.
There is a strong sense of community at Possums and we are lucky to have the support of local organisations.
Your Child’s Daily Requirements
Morning tea in an individual container
Lunch following guidelines in healthy lunchboxes (see link below for healthy lunchbox ideas).
Rest time – a small (cot) fitted sheet, blanket or sleeping bag
Clothing – no singlets or strappy dresses. Shoulders must be covered as part of our ‘Sun Smart’ policy. Also remember to dress your child in suitable clothes for play!
Spare clothes in a bag for accidents, messy play etc.
Hat – Possums hat to remain at preschool during the week and to be taken home at the end of the week and washed
Footwear- sensible shoes that will not slip while climbing. Gumboots and raincoats - yes we play in the rain!
If your child is ill or has head lice (including eggs) please keep them at home. Infections spread extremely fast throughout the preschool (view exclusion periods here).