We believe each child is a capable and resourceful individual with a variety of needs, abilities and interests.
Possums offers a program that provides a wide range of activities and experiences to foster the child’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual development. Autonomy and independence is encouraged and supported to enable children to meet individual needs.
Indigenous perspectives are deeply embedded in daily practice - the Bundjalung seasonal calendar and 8 Ways of Learning Pedagogy are core to our program and planning. Possums are proud of our strong connections and partnerships with the local Aboriginal community who we continue to work with closely to ensure truth telling across all learning.
Our program identifies children with any special needs and provisions are made to address these before the child enters school. Possums preschool terms and dates are determined by the official NSW government school dates.

How Your Child Learns at Possums
Daily Movie
We produce a daily movie and weekly wrap in collaboration with the Possums, these are shared via the OWNA app. The children also document their own learning to influence programming through our Floorbook - a visual diary that contains photos, captions, children's drawings and voices and information on our day at preschool for you to share with your child.
How We Share This Learning​ -
Through play – play is their work!
Through being able to explore their environment
Through guided and planned activities
Teaching in preschool involves careful observation of each child’s individual behaviours and planning experiences accordingly to help the children reach their full potential in all areas of learning. This can only occur when parents and teachers work together supporting, trusting and valuing each other.
We believe each child should have fun and develop in all areas whilst at Possums. The staff and management committee are committed to providing a ‘happy’ learning preschool.
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Portfolios -
Another important item is your child’s portfolio. When your child commences preschool with us we start a portfolio which contains samples of their works and also many photos and experiences they have encountered during the preschool year. These are used as a communication tool between preschool and home and allows educators and parents to observe and record each child’s learning opportunities as well as their developmental progress. These are emailed (and printed if required) at the end of each term, and a printed version is sent home at the end of the year for you to keep.
We aim to provide an enriching, exciting and educational experience for your child so throughout the year we have many visitors, excursions and special events e.g. musicians, science shows, environmental programs, multicultural and wildlife educators.

Riverside Play
Nature inspires, refreshes, and nurtures us. When experiences with nature are embedded in the preschool curriculum and daily routine, children benefit physically, emotionally, and intellectually as they have new experiences, exercise their bodies, and enjoy the feeling of freedom that comes from being connected to the natural world. This also helps them to become good stewards of the earth’s resources.
Possums is fortunate to have our own bus making our nature program portable - taking us to many sites and excursions including recently whale watching at Cabarita Headland. Safety and supervision are of course paramount.
The children are encouraged to rely on imagination, make discoveries, engage and interact with risky play and nature as well
as being an active contributor to looking after nature. It is a calming and connecting space that the children and families
love to be a part of!
The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF)
We are inspired and guided by The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia—Belonging, Being and Becoming 2009 (ELYF) where:
‘Belonging’ acknowledges children’s interdependence with others (family, cultural group, neighbourhood, wider community) and the basis of relationships defining identities;
‘Being’ recognises the importance of here and now in children’s lives; and
‘Becoming’ reflects the process of rapid and significant change that occurs in the early years.
For more information on the EYLF,