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The NSW State government’s Department of Education (DoE) provides about half of our budget needs. Fees and fundraising provide the balance of the budget needs for operating expenses. Fundraising ventures are also necessary throughout the year to boost Possums’ income to help maintain and improve facilities provided to our children.



Fees are set in accordance with DoEs subsidy guidelines.


$21.00 per day – Health Care Card Holders
$32.00 per day – Non-Health Care Card Holders

$12.00 Book Levy per term
$50.00 Maintenance Levy per term
$40.00 Enrichment Levy per term


Fees are payable by the end of week 3 of each term and are

calculated as a term fee, not a weekly fee.


Enrollment Fee


An enrollment fee of $100.00 is payable upon enrollment.


For re-enrollment the following year, a $30.00 fee applies. A membership fee of $2.50 applies to secure voting rights within the Preschool. All Committee Members are required to be a member of Possums Community Preschool association. 


Parental Involvement


As a community preschool, we rely on the contribution of parents and carers of children attending Possums. Therefore parents/carers are requested to attend one fundraising day per year and one maintenance day per year.


Hats and T-Shirts


Possums hats and t-shirts can be purchased for $10.00 and $15.00 respectively.



Out of Hours Fee


A fee will also apply if your child arrives before 8.00am or is picked up after 3.30pm.

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